The Implementation of the Contextual Teaching and Learning in Soppeng Regency
The aim of this research was to find out; how the teachers implemented the CTL in classroom activities.
This study employed qualitative research design. The participants of this research were English teachers: one English teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Lilirilau, one teacher in SMA Negeri 2 Soppeng and SMK Negeri 4 Soppeng. The teachers were observed while the data were collected by using video recording and interview.
The result of the research showed that (1) The teachers used the CTL in teaching and process that purposed to help the students more understand about the materials. In implementing the CTL, they had similarity and also different ways in applying the components of CTL but overall, they can use CTL as well. In CTL, they have to relate or make the materials appropriated with the students’ real word so it can draw out the students’ interest in learning process.
The implication of this that related with the result of teachers’ interview shown that CTL can be facilitated the teachers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum. This might happen because components in CTL and scientific approach have bit similarities in its application
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