Analyzing Students Perspective in Learning English (A case study at 22 Selayar Island State Junior High School)
This study aims to determine students' perspectives in learning English at SMPN 22 Selayar Islands. To achieve the objectives of this study, this study used a purposive random sampling technique. The population in this study was class VIII SMPN 22 Selayar Islands for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 12 students.
The researcher used purposive sampling technique; the sample is class VIII students, totaling 5 students. The reason for taking the class as a sample was based on the suggestion and recommendation of the English teacher at SMPN 22 Selayar Islands that the class had difficulties while learning English. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation.
According to the findings of this research, the perspective of students in learning English at SMPN 22 Selayar Islands comprised three aspects: 1) Students felt unsafe in the classroom. Some teachers blamed their students if they were not intelligent, so English teachers encouraged students to try new things. Students felt lazy about learning English because they didn't understand what the teacher explained, and they were afraid to ask questions when they didn't understand something. There were several ways to keep students interested and engaged in learning English : 1) don't emphasize grammar 2) Get used to listening to English songs; and 3) expand new vocabularies.
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