This study were conducted to investigate the effect of Pre-questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Second Grade Students at SMAN 2 Pangkep, to investigate the effects of students’ gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN 2 Pangkep Palangkaraya, and to investigate the effects of pre-questioning and students gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN 2 Pangkep in academic year 2022/2023. The forms of questions were in multiple choice and essay, multiple choice used for reading comprehension tests and essay used for Pre-questioning tests. There were sixty-eight of second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN 2 Pangkep in academic year 2022/2023 as the sample on this study. The writer used factorial experimental method in this study. The data were processed and analyzed according to these steps: taking the data, coding, scoring, tabulating using SPSS version 13 and taking the conclusion based on the statistic result. The result of this study shows that “the Pre-questioning has a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”, “the students’ gender has no a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”, and “there is no interaction effect between pre-questioning and students’ gender”.In this study the experimental class (the treatment using pre-questioning) has a better ability in comprehend the text than control class. It can be seen from the mean score and the result of two way of ANOVA.
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