• Sulfianna Universitas Sawerigading Makassar
Kata Kunci: Leadership and Good Governance


The aim of the research is to determine the effectiveness of the sub-district head’s leadership in bureaucratic reform in Bissappu District, Bantaeng Regency and to find out what factors influence the effectiveness of the sub-district head’s leadership in bureaucratic reform in Bissappu District, Bantaeng Regency. The research method used by the author is a qualitative descriptive research method, referring to the concept of bureaucratic behavior. Based on the results of the analysis of the role of leadership in bureaucratic reform, it shows that overall the role of leaders is quite good in carrying out their duties and responsibilities because the success of leaders is due to the intervention of their members. 1) The effectiveness of leadership is closely related to the time and manner in which leaders carry out their duties as servants of the State in the era of bureaucratic reform. In the current era of government bureaucratic reform, the government system has become better than before, as stated by the informants, one of whom stated that the current conditions are better than before because the current leadership has an impact on good leadership, which can also be seen. that the charismatic type of leader has many positions and choices and is liked by society. 2) The factors that influence leadership effectiveness in the bureaucratic reform era in Bissappu District, Bantaeng Regency are influenced by togetherness and support. From the results of the research presented, it is stated that the sub-district leader during his leadership period was very good at dealing with this. And most people like the leadership’s way of holding meetings between employees and the local community.


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