Analyzing the Sentence Fragments Found in the Students’ Essays (A Descriptive Study at the Fourth Semester Students of Sawerigading University of Makassar).

  • Nurfajriah Basri Sawerigading University of Makassar
  • Nana Erna
  • Rahayu
Keywords: the sentence fragments, essay., writing


This research is aimed to find out the sentence fragments and ranged the dominant Sentence fragments made by the students of English Department of Sawerigading University of Makassar in Academic Year 2020/2021 in their essays. This research used a Quantitative Descriptive Analysis that consisted of identifying, classifying, and quantifying. The instrument of this research used archival data of essay writing final examination which consisted of 62 essays from 2 classes of Fourth Semester Students of English Department at Sawerigading niversity of Makassar in Academic Year 2020/2021. The result of this research found 72 or 10.12% sentence fragments from 711 total sentences (62 essays) which made by the students. The total numbers of sentence fragments above consist of 13 or 18.06% of no subject sentence fragments, 44 or 61.11% of no finite verb sentence fragments, 15 or 20.83% dependent clause, and no finite verb sentence fragment were as the dominant sentence fragment made by the students in their essays.


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