The Aplication of Blended Learning in Improving Students’ Grammar Mastery at the Ninth Grade of Mts. Hj. Haniah Islamic Boarding School. The main purpose of conducting this study is to answer the research question: How effective is the implementation of blended learning related to students’ grammar mastery at the Ninth Grade of Mts. Hj. Haniah Islamic Boarding School? This study was categorized as quantitative research. The data were gained by using a grammar test, an observation sheet, a semi-structured interview guide, and field notes. The findings of this study explained that there was an improvement in students' grammar skills at Mts. Hj. Haniah Islamic Boarding School. The categories of improvement for the students were as follows: The students were more motivated to follow instructions during the teaching and learning process. Teaching grammar using the Blended Learning Method can improve students' grammar learning outcomes (conditional sentences). By mastering the Blended Learning Method, students become more enthusiastic, motivated, and engaged in their grammar studies.
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