Analysis of the English Speaking Role and Barriers at Fort Rotterdam’s Staff
English is crucial for BPCB staff at Benteng Rotterdam Makassar, not just for daily operations but also for engaging with one another. This study seeks to 1) determine the usage of English among BPCB employees in Fort Rotterdam, South Sulawesi, and 2) identify the barriers to the use of English in social contact among BPCB employees in Fort Rotterdam. The study method employed was descriptive research. This study described the population or phenomenon being investigated. Data collection approaches used were observation, surveys, and documentation. The collected data was subsequently reduced, presented, and conclusions were drawn. The findings of the study were as follows: 1) English had a crucial part in the Rotterdam fort, as existing personnel provided tourists with cultural information in English. 2) The employees' inability to understand English come from their daily work at the BPCB fort in Rotterdam, where they had a lot of tasks that had nothing to do with English and they were not motivated to improve their English skills.
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