The Effectiveness of Cake Application in Improving Students’ Grammar Mastery at SMP Kartika Ix-1 Makassar

  • Fajaria Vita Universitas Sawerigading Makassar
  • Fentry Hernaningsi Ruing
  • Rahayu
Keywords: Keywords: Effectiveness,Cake application,Grammar.


               Grammar is a science that aims to study the rules governing the use of highly structured language related to sentence structure, word use, and the phrases used. The purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness of the Cake application in improving Students’ Grammar Mastery at SMP Kartika IX-1 Makassar.

                The type of research used was quantitative research method. The subjects of this study were second grade students of SMP Kartika IX-1 Makassar. The stages of this research consisted of recording and analyzing the results of the pre-test and post-test before and after the implementation of using Cake in learning English especially grammar in the classroom. The results of the collected data ​​were then calculated using the Paired Samples T-Test.

               The results showed that there was a significant difference between learning outcomes in pre-test and post-test data for second grade students of SMP Kartika IX-1 Makassar before and after using the Cake application. The effect of the Cake application in learning English was that students could improve their grammar mastery.


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