Difficulties In Writing Recount Text at the 10th Grade Students’ of SMAN 2 Soppeng
This research aimed at finding out writing difficulties experienced by the X Grade students’ of SMAN 2 Soppeng. In order to achieve the objective of this research, this research used purposive random sampling technique. The population of this research was X Grade students’ of SMAN 2 Soppeng in academic year 2021/2022 that consisted of 315 students.
The researcher used purposive sampling technique; the sample was class X IPS 3 which consisted of 29 students. The reason for taking these classes as the sample is based on suggestion and recommendation of the English teacher of SMAN 2 Soppeng that class has difficulties in writing skill. The data were collected through writing task and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using tabulating the scores of students’ paragraph on the five components of writing.
The result of the students’ recount text showed that there was a lack of writing. It was lack by the students’ score was 33% of the content, followed the organization’s score was 21%, the lack of vocabulary was 23%, followed the lack of language use was 20%, and 3% was the lack of mechanics. Therefore it is concluded that X Grade students’ of SMAN 2 Soppeng is lack or poor.
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