Tips Mendongeng Bagi Pemula: Workshop Peningkatan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa UPT SPF SDN Sangir Makassar
The low literacy and numeracy skills in Indonesia are triggered by the lack of interest of students at elementary to college levels to cultivate reading, writing, and arithmetic. UPT SPF SDN Sangir Makassar, as one of the implementing units of Education at the Elementary Level, also shows this. Literacy learning in schools, especially in fairy tale material, has not been maximized. This is caused by the learning media and students' storytelling skills which are still lacking. In response to this, the solution offered is to provide training in tips and tricks for storytelling using digital media. Through this training, elementary students have an interest in storytelling by utilizing digital media. This can certainly foster imagination and hone character. Training activities are carried out using presentation methods, interactive discussions, and demonstrations by the community service team who directly tell stories and train students to practice storytelling directly. The final result of the training activities is that students are able to practice simple fairy tales using digital media.
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