JoELS : Journal of English Language Studies 2024-08-29T03:41:19+08:00 Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Journal of English Language Studies</em></strong> &nbsp;<strong>(JoELS)</strong>, published by English Literature, Faculty of Letters, Sawerigading University of Makassar, Indonesia., is an open access&nbsp; and peer-reviewed journal in English that provides rapid, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of all published articles without charge readers or their institutions for access. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all papers with the aim of supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge. The <strong>JoELS </strong>publishes two issues per year in March for Issue #1 , and in September for Issue #2 with the ISSN number: <strong><a href="">2828-3627</a>; </strong>to address outstanding research at the boundaries of applied linguistics, translation, literature, and culture. Our goal is to contribute to the development of the field, reflects the breadth and depth of work in applied linguistics, translation, literature, and cultural studies, and enable readers to share and develop a research that has been written as well as a reference for other researchers who are conducting similar research activities at this time. The <strong>JoELS </strong>cordially invites all Indonesian and Foreign researchers, academicians, linguists, literarians, and practitioners to contribute to the journal by submitting papers. All papers will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality and applicable regulations. The decision to accept or not is the right of the Editorial Boards based on evaluations from peer-reviewers.</p> STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE ENGLISH LECTURERS’ PEDAGOGIC COMPETENCE 2024-03-31T23:47:52+08:00 Syamsuddin Syamsuddin <p><em>This study was aiming to analyze the students’ perception on pedagogical competence of the English lecturers who handled the Saturday English Meeting as an extracurricular program at the faculty of letters, Sawerigading University Makassar. Most of the students at these study programs still have low English competence and consider that English is difficult. The pedagogic competence of the lecturers is related to the success of the learning activities. Therefore, it is required to analyze the lecturers’ pedagogic competence based on the students’ perception since this affects to their attitude and actions in learning activities. The population of this study was 100 students of faculty of Letters, at even semester, on academic year 2022/2023 who participated in Saturday English Meeting. The sample of this study was 50 students taken by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used in this study is a non-test instrument consisting of 25 items of statements to measure student’s perception on English lecturers’ pedagogical competence. From the data processing, the result of the research was (1) Based on statements, obtained 52% in very good category, 20% in good category, 24% in enough category, 4% in less category, 0% in very less category; (2) Based on indicators, obtained 73.04% good category for learning preparation, 68.35% in good category for presentation of learning materials, 74.8% in good category for learning approach/strategy, 91.87% in very good category for students involvement learning, 70.4% good category for design and do the evaluation and 57.4% in good category for utilize assessment result for quality improvement of learning; (3) overall, the student’s perception on English lecturers’ pedagogical competence is 72.64% in good category.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JoELS : Journal of English Language Studies “Spelling Bee” in Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery AT SMA Negeri 1 Merauke Academic year 2023/2024. 2024-04-01T00:58:35+08:00 Aprillya Nasrawati <p>This research aims to describe the improvement of students’ vocabulary in using Spelling Bee. Students of SMA Negeri 1 Merauke at the class of XB were the subject of this research, which was consisted of 21 students. &nbsp;This research was conducted from August to September 2023. This research used a quantitative research&nbsp;with a pre-experimental design and pretest&nbsp;and post-test design of one group. Data analysis techniques used the scoring of students’ tests, classification of the students’ scores, percentage, and mean score.</p> <p>Based on the value of vocabulary tests on pretest&nbsp;and post-test, there was development on each test. The percentage of students pretest&nbsp;was 52% who passed the KKM, and the rate of students post-test developed to 81% who passed the KKM.The result showed that this research use of the Spelling Bee Game could develop the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA Negeri 1 Merauke.</p> 2024-04-01T00:58:35+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JoELS : Journal of English Language Studies AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG WORD AT TORAJANESSE TEENAGERS COMMUNITY IN MERAUKE. 2024-04-01T11:17:07+08:00 Aprillya Vitta Salissing Nasrawati Andi Rachmawati Syarif <p>The research aims to find the types, meanings and the reasons that the teenagers of Torajanese community used in daily conversation. The research uses qualitative method to collect the data. The sample in this research are 5 the teenagers of Torajanese living in a Torajanese community. Data collection techniques use recording and note-taking instrument. The research is conducted at Torajanese ethnic environment. The result of this research show, there are 69 types of slang words found in data collection, there are 9 as fresh and creative, 6 as flippant, 8 as imitative, 5 as acronym, 17 as clipping, 2 as coinage, 5 as multiple process, 1 as blending, 3 as borrowing, 2 as compounding, 8 as back formation, 1 as conversion&nbsp;and 2 as derivation. The results show that clipping and back-formation the most frequently use types of slang words use by the teenagers of Torajanese community in Merauke and the research confirm that the teenagers of Torajanese community use slang words in their daily conversation. The 13 types &nbsp;of slang words that found in this research, there are 1 type as to address, 2 types as humiliate, 3 types as to form and intimate atmosphere, 1 type as to express impression, 1 type as to reveal anger, and 5 types as to show intimacy. The reason to show intimacy dominate the reason for using slang words commonly used the teenagers of Torajanese community in Merauke in their daily conversation.</p> 2024-04-01T11:17:07+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JoELS : Journal of English Language Studies The Lingual Unit Analysis of Code Mixing in Novel '5 cm' Written by Donny Dhirgantoro 2024-08-29T03:41:19+08:00 Titin Suhartini Eka Hading Mardiani Jamaluddin Jamaluddin Al Afgani <p>The purpose of this research is&nbsp;to find out the lingual units contained in code mixing in Novel '5 cm' Written by Donny Dhirgantoro. &nbsp;Primary data is obtained &nbsp;&nbsp;from Novel ‘5 cm’ Written by Donny Dhirgantoro”. In analyzing this novel, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The writing procedure used in this research were: 1) Reading the novel carefully as the main object of the analysis, 2) Note taking of the code mixing, 3) Identifying the code mixing into lingual unit. 4) Analyzing and describing data, and 5) Writing down and concluding the analysis result. Based on the results of research on code mixing in Donny Dhirgantoro's 5cm novel, it could&nbsp;be concluded that : The types of code mixing in Donny Dhirgantoro's 5cm novel based on the lingual unit were: 1. Code mixing is in the form of polymorphemics, 2. Code mixing is in the form of words, 3. Code mixing is in the form of phrases, 4. Code Mixing is in the form of Sentences, 5. Code Mixing in the form of paragraphs.</p> 2024-08-29T03:41:19+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JoELS : Journal of English Language Studies