Need analysis is an important stage carried out at the beginning fo the learning process. This study aimed to analyze the learning needs of English for the eleventh grade students of SMA Patra Dharma Tarakan. The design of this research was quantitative descriptive. The information needed in this study was obtained from observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Respondents in answering the questionnaire were 70 students. The eleventh grade English teachers and six students were interviwed. The phases in the needs analysis were observation of the learning process and the teacher’s teaching in the classroom, asking the students to fill up the questionnaires, conducting interviews with the English teacher and six the students. There were eight indicators of learning needs analyzed in this study: 1) needs; 2) shortcoming; 3)wishes; 4) English language skills; 5) time allocation; 6) learning media; 7) evaluation of learning; 8) student scores. These eight indicator were included in the research instrument. The results of this study was in the form of a report of the English learning needs of eleventh grade students at SMA Patra Dharma Tarakan. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for teachers and schools as a consideration for carrying out teaching and learning process based on students needs.
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